Our Story

My Family

Hi, and thank you for checking out The Butter Nut Bakery! My name is Emily and the picture you see is of me and my little family. My husband’s name is Kyson and our soon to be one year old baby boy is Kolby. Not pictured is our crazy Goldendoodle, Ruby.

I became a stay at home mom after Kolby was born and that’s where my love of baking started. I was watching one of those drizzle cake video tutorials on Instagram and I thought to myself, “you know what, I can do that!”. The next day I attempted my first cake and here I am now! I am by no means a cake expert, but I am passionate about what I do and I am always seeking to learn more and practice as much as I can.

Drizzle cakes are my favorite to make. I don’t have much practice in fondant cakes, but if you have a custom cake you’re interested in getting, please pass on a picture or explanation of what you’re looking for and I will let you know if it’s something that I would be able to make.
